Saturday, January 12, 2013

Mac and Cheese with Hot Dog Face

Yes, I still toss frozen veggies in the lunch. I know The Elder is going to microwave it, so I decided there was no point in cooking his green beans before I put them in the lunch. Everything is refrigerated all night and then at work. Like the background? Lazy. Yes, I am very lazy. I just wanted to go to bed.

Our little friend is made up of homemade mac and cheese. It really is pretty easy to make. The eyes are made from two olives stuffed with 2 green beans. The eyebrows, nose, mouth (I think it looks like a cigar in this picture) and his "shirt top" are made from a leftover Hebrew National hot dog. Mmm.. leftovers! To the left of that we have two turtles and some frozen green beans.